Dairy products which are produced from microbial fermentation have. Been recognized for it's beneficial effects on human health, longevity and wellness.And yogurt is the most popular among the entire fermented dairy products. This dairy product obtained from induced or spontaneous lactic acid fermentation of milk.
Several nutrient are present in yogurt like fat, protein, riboflavin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and calcium.
Lactic acid bacteria are present in yogurt which helps to prevent gastrointestinal Illness and reduce growth of pathogenic bacteria present in gastrointestinal tract.
One of the most important bacteria that belongs to Lactobacillus spp as a stater culture. These bacteria are know as probiotics.
Probiotics are special type of live bacteria which have favourable impact on human health by maintaining microbial balance in intestine.Naturally , probiotics are present in mouth, in lower intestine and vagina which help to prevent human from invading pathogenic bacteria.Human intestine contain both beneficial and harmful bacteria, and in healthy bacteria Lactobacillus species, Bifidobacterrium species are very useful to inhibit pathogenic bacteria in production of vitamins and antimicrobial agents and organic acids. Probiotics are microrganisms which provide health benefits to host , in which one of the most is enhancing immunity of host.
Most important benefits of taking yogurt daily:
One of the most important benefit of taking yogurt daily is enhancing immune system and fight against pathogenic bacteria in intestine
Yogurt is one of the huge source of calcium, protein, and vitamin B6
Probiotics in yogurt lowering in frequency of diarrhea, stimulated humoral and cellular immune response It also lowered the unnecessary metabolites like ammonium in colon.
It helps in lactose digestion.
Probiotics in colon stimulate growth of healthy bacteria which leads to eliminate excess glucose and cholesterol.
Probiotics yogurt also reduce diabetes type 2.
Reduces the chance of colon cancer.
In conclusion probiotic yogurt had many health benefits which are suitable for gastrontestinal health. So we should add up one serving of yogurt in daily dietry pattern to reduce harmful bacteria from intestine.
Several nutrient are present in yogurt like fat, protein, riboflavin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and calcium.
Lactic acid bacteria are present in yogurt which helps to prevent gastrointestinal Illness and reduce growth of pathogenic bacteria present in gastrointestinal tract.
One of the most important bacteria that belongs to Lactobacillus spp as a stater culture. These bacteria are know as probiotics.
Probiotics are special type of live bacteria which have favourable impact on human health by maintaining microbial balance in intestine.Naturally , probiotics are present in mouth, in lower intestine and vagina which help to prevent human from invading pathogenic bacteria.Human intestine contain both beneficial and harmful bacteria, and in healthy bacteria Lactobacillus species, Bifidobacterrium species are very useful to inhibit pathogenic bacteria in production of vitamins and antimicrobial agents and organic acids. Probiotics are microrganisms which provide health benefits to host , in which one of the most is enhancing immunity of host.
Most important benefits of taking yogurt daily:
One of the most important benefit of taking yogurt daily is enhancing immune system and fight against pathogenic bacteria in intestine
Yogurt is one of the huge source of calcium, protein, and vitamin B6
Probiotics in yogurt lowering in frequency of diarrhea, stimulated humoral and cellular immune response It also lowered the unnecessary metabolites like ammonium in colon.
It helps in lactose digestion.
Probiotics in colon stimulate growth of healthy bacteria which leads to eliminate excess glucose and cholesterol.
Probiotics yogurt also reduce diabetes type 2.
Reduces the chance of colon cancer.
In conclusion probiotic yogurt had many health benefits which are suitable for gastrontestinal health. So we should add up one serving of yogurt in daily dietry pattern to reduce harmful bacteria from intestine.
Health and Fitness